Rivercrest Country Club hosts Brittany and Romain’s wedding

No doubt last Saturday will be marked in my history as one of the most amazing weddings in Pennsylvania. And I didn’t even accept the after party invite with a 7AM end time.
We started chillin’ with Brittany at Rivercrest Country Club while stuffing our beaks with Sprite and a good dose of laughs. She was surrounded by the most genuine of friends and of course family, making candid photos literally a breeze. Of course I didn’t forget about her “cher” future hubster and popped over to Marriott to capture their manly prep. Guys being guys, put on not so matching colorful socks, sipped on some champagne and put on the rest of their clothes after, only to pose in the most masculine way guys can.
After Brittany’s warnings that the bridal party is a wild one, I set my expectations high, and disappointed was I not! I heard continuous laughs throughout the day, almost turning over a golf cart (my idea I admit) and lots of hugs and kisses they went on to cheer Brittany and Romain on their big adventure, until the wee hours of the morning. And what a party is was! Emotions ran high as Paul danced with his daughter Brittany, making the headlines of Daily mail co uk.
I can’t even attempt to describe it when photos will, so well, do it for me. (french traditions and all)
Guys, thank you for letting me be part of your love fest. Brittany and Romain’s love fest.

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